Армейские фотографии из серии "с нами не соскучишься", 1912-1945
05.08.2017 380 0 0 foto-history

Армейские фотографии из серии "с нами не соскучишься", 1912-1945

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Оригинал взят у proshakov в Армейские фотографии из серии "с нами не соскучишься", 1912-1945

c. 1910-1912“Flight from the sand desert [i.e., military camp] Neuhammer.” Nuehammer Military Camp, Germany. Unidentified photographer.

March 22, 1915Truppenübungsplatz (military training ground), Elsenborn, Germany. Photographer: Alexander Herld.

c. 1912-1915“Hooray. [This] unit has 22 days left.” Unidentified location, Germany.

August 1912“Reserved Flight Home from Bitsch.” Straßburg, Austria. Photographer: J. Jungmann.

1928“Those who remained faithful to their mother can be seen flying from here.” Munster, Germany. Unidentified photographer.

1913“Escape from sand desert [military camp] Neuhammer.” Neuhammer, Germany. Photographer: Paul Riediger.

c. 1925-1930“Flight from Jüterbog.” Teltow-Fläming district, Germany. Photographer: Ernst Löhn.

1918“Happy New Year 1918.” Unidentified German studio.

c. 1915Figure 25 Munster Military Camp, Germany. Unidentified photographer. The "§ 11" symbol on the two beer barrels denotes a paragraph from the German "Beer Code,” which reads "Es wird fortgesoffen” or "Keep on drinking."

1938“Sightseeing Flight - Faßberg Air Base – Munster – Hamburg, 1938.” Munster, Germany. Photographer: Richard Schubert.

c. 1930sGerman soldiers on faux Easter egg prop. Unidentified location, Germany.

Dec. 23, 1928French military aviators in painted biplane studio prop, with Eiffel Tower and the Trocadéro Palace in background. Paris, France. Unidentified photographer.

c. 1912-1915“Flight from Bitsch at 636 meters altitude.” Soldiers with mascot on a painted studio prop of the Viktoria Luise Zeppelin, Bezirk Lothringen, German Lorraine. Unidentified photographer.

c. 1930s“The trip to Hannover is here.” Dörnitz Military Camp (Altengrabow), Germany. Photographer: Max Schütze.

1930German soldiers on wooden cutout stork. Munster, Germany. Unidentified photographer.

c. 1920sSoldier posing with fake horse in front of painted backdrop, Republic of Estonia. Unidentified photographer.

c. 1917American soldier pointing his revolver at German infantry studio prop. Unidentified location, USA.

c. 1940sAmerican soldiers riding a wooden cutout donkey while resting their feet on a box inscribed “To hell with Hitler.” Unidentified photographer, USA.

c. 1944-1945French soldiers in studio tank prop. Unidentified location, France.

c. 1944-1945French soldiers in studio tank prop. Unidentified location, France.

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