27.03.2018 309 0 0 ostrich-san


В закладки

Man SWALLOWED by escalator after falling through hole during rush hour at busy underground station

Эскалатор escalator, under, maintenance, injury, Firefighter, arrived, saved, taken, hospital, SWALLOWED, stopped, severity, Local, authority, stated, warning, posted, front, unspecified, somebody

Mehmet Ali Erik was riding an escalator suddenly he fell into a large hole that was kept open for maintenance. The escalator was moving and Erik was buried under it. As people began to realized somebody was trapped under the steps, they stopped to help the man. Firefighter arrived in time and saved him. He was taken to a hospital with an injury of unspecified severity. Local authority stated that the escalator was under maintenance and a warning has been posted in front of it.


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