К столетнему юбилею Дж. Ф. Кеннеди
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К столетнему юбилею Дж. Ф. Кеннеди

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Норман Роквелл. Портрет Джона Кеннеди. 1960. Артхив

Джон Фицдже́ральд «Джек» Ке́ннеди (англ. John Fitzgerald «Jack» Kennedy, известный также как JFK (Джей-Эф-Кей); 29 мая 1917, Бруклайн?! — 22 ноября 1963, Даллас) — американский политический деятель, 35-й президент США (1961—1963). В современном общественном сознании Кеннеди чаще всего связывают с его загадочным убийством, потрясшим весь мир, многочисленные гипотезы разрешения которого выдвигаются по сей день.

Ветеран Второй мировой войны в звании «лейтенант», Кеннеди прошёл всю кампанию на Соломоновых островах, руководя командой торпедного катера PT-109. За храбрость, проявленную во время военных действий, удостоен множества наград.

Сразу же после окончания войны начал политическую карьеру, в 1947 году был избран от штата Массачусетс в Палату представителей США, где пробыл до 1953 года. Тогда же стал сенатором Массачусетса и занимал эту должность до 1960 года. В начале десятилетия на очередных президентских выборах демократ 43-летний Кеннеди с незначительным отрывом победил республиканца Ричарда Никсона, таким образом став единственным президентом США-католиком и первым президентом, родившимся в XX веке.

Почти трёхлетнее президентство Кеннеди ознаменовано Берлинским кризисом, Карибским кризисом, операцией в заливе Свиней, космической гонкой между СССР и США, которая привела к началу космической программы «Аполлон», а также серьёзными шагами по уравнению чернокожих в правах.

22 ноября 1963 года, совершая визит в Даллас, штат Техас, Джон Ф. Кеннеди был смертельно ранен из снайперской винтовки в своём открытом лимузине на одной из центральных улиц города. Президент был незамедлительно доставлен в госпиталь «Паркленд», где после безуспешных попыток реанимации был объявлен мёртвым около 13:00 по местному времени. Специально созданная комиссия Уоррена показала, что убийцей Кеннеди был стрелок-одиночка Ли Харви Освальд. Огромное количество социальных опросов, проведённых по всей стране, показало, что не менее 60 % населения Америки не верят в то, что Освальд убил президента или по крайней мере действовал один.

Именем Кеннеди в США названо большое количество объектов, улиц, школ и прочих (к примеру, международный аэропорт в Нью-Йорке). По мнению большинства граждан страны, Кеннеди входит в десятку величайших американских президентов в истории.

JFK с отцом и старшим братом, 1920 год, США
Джон Фицджералд Кеннеди, в возрасте 3 лет с отцом и старшим братом Джозефом, погибшим во Вторую Мировую в небе над Британией.

2. John F. Kennedy in Brookline, Mass., 1925. (John F. Kennedy Library )

3. The 1927 Dexter football team from Brookline. John F. Kennedy is seated on the ground, far right, and his brother Joseph P. Kennedy is seated in the second row, 3rd from the left.. (John F. Kennedy Library)

4. The Kennedy Family in Hyannis Port., 1946. From left, John F. Kennedy, Jean Kennedy, Rose Kennedy, Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., Patricia Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Eunice Kennedy, and, in foreground, Edward M. Kennedy. (John F. Kennedy LIbrary)

5. John F. Kennedy and brother Edward M. Kennedy aboard “Victura,” in Hyannis Port, 1946. (John F. Kennedy Library)

6. Congressman John F. Kennedy, on crutches, addresses 4,000 women at a tea and reception in Worcetser, Mass., on May 18, 1952. Kennedy, who seeks a United States Senate seat, injured leg recently in fall on vessel named in honor of his brother killed in World War II. Seated behind the Congressman, left to right, are his sister, Eunice, his mother, and attorney Edward C. Maher. (Boston Globe Archive)

7. Candidate for United States Senator John F. Kennedy, right, and his sister, Jean, listen to President Harry S. Truman speak at Symphony Hall in Boston on Oct. 17, 1952. (Gil Friedberg/Globe Staff)

8. John F. Kennedy and Jacqueine Bouvier adjust the rigging on a small sailboat at Kennedy’s private beach, in June 1953. (UPI)

9. Democratic gubernatorial candidate Robert F. Murphy, right, and U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy arrive at Logan International Airport in Boston from Hyannis prior to a television appearance on Oct. 7, 1954. Senator Kennedy was on crutches as a result of a back injury. (William Ennis/Globe Staff)

10. Senator John F. Kennedy, left, and his brother, Edward M. Kennedy, at a dinner at the Harvard Club of Boston on Nov. 29, 1955. (Laurence T. Welsh/Globe Staff)

11. Senator John F. Kennedy, left, and his wife Jacqueline Kennedy at the Kennedy Compound in Hyannis Port on July 20, 1957. (Charles McCormack/Globe Staff)

12. Senator John Kennedy walks the plank on the Mayflower at Plymouth with State Police officers on Sept. 9, 1957. (Charles McCormick/Globe Staff)

13. Senator John F. Kennedy talks to candidates for office in the Newton Deanery of the C.Y.O at the East Junior High School in Watertown, Mass., on April 20, 1958. From left to right are Joseph Curtin, St. Judes, Waltham; Sen. Kennedy; Joseph Quinn, St. Lawrence, Brookline; and Bob Melanson, St. Johns, Newton. (John M. Hurley/Globe Staff)

14. Senator John F. Kennedy and his wife, Jacqueline Kennedy ride in the South Boston Parade during his campaign for re-election in March 1958. (Paul J. Connell/Globe Staff)

15. John F. Kennedy (center) on the beach in Hyannis with his brothers. (John F. Kennedy Library)

16. Senator John F. Kennedy takes the spotlight at Mass. Labor Council convention as delegates and officers listen closely at the Statler-Hilton Hotel in Boston on Oct. 9, 1959. (Ed Fitzgerald/UPI)

17. Senator John F. Kennedy is enthusiastically welcomed back from the Democratic Convention where he was named the Democratic Candidate for President in July 17, 1960. (Associated Press)

18. Senator John F. Kennedy poses with his wife, Jacqueline Kennedy and their daughter, Caroline, in the backyard of their summer home in Hyannis Port on June 21, 1960. (Frank Falacci/The Boston Globe )

19. Senator John F. Kennedy signs autographs for Christine Giglio, 10, of Pearl st., Malden, outside his summer home in Hyannis Port on July 21, 1960. (Frank Falacci/The Boston Globe)

20. Senator John F. Kennedy and his wife, Jackie, leave a plane for the Hyannis Reception celebrating his nomination for President on July 17, 1960. (Frank Falacci/The Boston Globe)

21. Senator and presidential candidate John F. Kennedy addresses a group in Hyannis on Aug. 6, 1960. (Frank Falacci/The Boston Globe)

22. Presidential candidate John F. Kennedy sits alone in a room off the main auditorium at Faneuil Hall in Boston before making the final campaign speech, Nov. 7, 1960. He ended his remarks by saying, “We are here tonight because in other great periods of crisis we have chosen to go forward. And I am confident tomorrow in 1960, November 8, this country will once again choose progress, this country will once again choose to go forward, this country will once again choose to go to work to build a strong society here and to build a peaceful and productive world.” (Bob Dean/Globe Staff)

23. Senator John F. Kennedy winds up his presidential campaign at a huge rally in Boston Garden on Nov. 7, 1960. After a whirlwind tour through New England on the final day of campaigning, Kennedy returned to address a crowd of over 22,000 enthusiastic supporters. He reminded the supporters of his Boston roots. (Ed Kelley/Globe Staff)

24. President-elect John F. Kennedy, joined by his wife, Jacqueline Kennedy, and other family members as he made his first public statements following election victory during a press conference at Hyannis Armory, Nov. 9, 1960. (Phil Preston/Globe Staff)

25. The Kennedys leave on a plane from Hyannis Port en route to Palm Beach, Fla., for a vacation on Nov. 11 1960. (Associated Press)

26. President-elect John F. Kennedy visits the Mass. State House and addresses the Legislature in Boston on Jan. 9, 1961. (Gil Friedberg/Globe Staff)

27. President-elect John F. Kennedy is greeted on the steps of Massachusetts Hall as he arrives at Harvard University for a visit as a member of the board of overseers on Jan. 9, 1961. (Harry Holbrook/Globe Staff)

28. President John Kennedy gives the order to take off from Otis Air Force Base, Mass. for his summer home at nearby Hyannis Port via helicopter, June 30, 1961. Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy in the center and brother Robert Kennedy, with briefcase, ride with the president. The president and his family plan to spend the long Fourth of July weekend at Hyannis Port. (John Rous/Associated Press)

29. President Kennedy, Jacqueline and Caroline ride with a niece and nephew in the gold cart around the Hyannis Port compound in 1961. (Associated Press)

30. President John F. Kennedy and Mrs. Jackie Kennedy leave a church in Hyannis after attending Mass on July 29, 1962. (UPI)

31. President John F. Kennedy applauds his brother, Senator Edward M. Kennedy, during a fundraising speech in Boston on Oct. 19, 1962. (Edmund Kelley/Globe Staff)

32. President John F. Kennedy, Senator Leverett Saltonstall, (right) and Senator Edward M. Kennedy at Boston College’s Centennial Convocation on April 20, 1963. President Kennedy spoke at the event. (Paul Connell/Globe Staff)

33. A crowd greets President John F. Kennedy during a visit to Hyannis Port, July 7, 1963. (Frank Falacci/The Boston Globe)

34. President John F. Kennedy leans down to shake one last hand before leaving Boston on May 11, 1963. (Frank H. Hill/Globe Staff)

35. President John F. Kennedy leaves The Fens Stadium on Aug. 9, 1963. (Robert Backoff/Globe Staff)

36. President John F. Kennedy and his brother, Robert Kennedy, leave Children’s Hospital in Boston on Aug. 8, 1963. JFK’s third son, Patrick Bouvier Kennedy, was born in Falmouth the day before, five and a half weeks early, and rushed to Children’s Hospital in Boston shortly after for a treatment of a respiratory ailment.The baby died on Aug. 9, 1963. (Frank H. Hill/Globe Staff)

37. President Kennedy approaches a helicopter at the family home in Hyannis Port for the first leg of his journey back to Washington. Accompanying him are from left: Sydney Lawford, John F. Kennedy, Jr., Caroline Kennedy, the President, Secret Service Agent Sam Sulliman, David Kennedy, Agents Jerry Behn and Tom Wells. (Cecil Stoughton/White House via the John F. Kennedy Library and Museum)

38. President John F. Kennedy in the stands at the Harvard University - Columbia University football game at Harvard in Cambridge, Mass., on Oct. 19, 1963. (Joe Runci/Globe Staff)

39. President John F. Kennedy receives an honorary doctor of laws degree from Amherst College in Amherst, MA on Oct. 26, 1963. (Boston Globe Archive)

40. President John F. Kennedy arrives at the entrance of the Sheraton Plaza Hotel in Boston on Oct. 19, 1963. He is in Boston to attend the All New England Salute Dinner before going to Hyannis Port to visit his ailing father. (Frank H. Hill/Globe Staff)

41. President John F. Kennedy at a fundraising dinner at the Commonwealth Armory in Boston on Oct. 19, 1963. (Edmund Kelley/Globe Staff)

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