“Typhoon Roaster” – the main expert in coffee roasting
08.09.2022 28 453 0 +823 Richardtumb

“Typhoon Roaster” – the main expert in coffee roasting

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“Typhoon Roaster” is a company that for the period of 10 years has created revolutionary coffee roasting equipment. The company works hard to improve their final product that is designed for real professionals. The cooperation with the best leading specialists and experts in the sphere of coffee roasting equipment creation and the very process of coffee beans roasting help the company move forward and never stop there.

The company uses just unique technologies producing coffee roasting machines of new generation. For the period of 27 years “Typhoon Roaster” has gone through a lot achieving high results and now it can boast of them.

“Typhoon Roaster” achievements through the flow of time

In 1995 a successful startup named “Typhoon Roaster” was launched.

In 1997 the company created the first unique hot air coffee roasting machine. This year the latest advanced fluidized bed firing technology was developed and successfully tested by the company workers. Thus the first fluid bed coffee roaster appeared.

In 1998 the first prototype of the roasting machine appeared. The main principle of its work – the continuous operation of two main parameters – time and temperature. The prototype got the name Typhoon coffee maker.

In 2000 the serial production of electric coffee roasters was launched.

In 2007 a new version of the roster came out. The designers of Typhoon Roaster have developed a new version of the Typhoon-2 Profi series coffee roasting machine that was patented soon.

In 2010 the largest coffee and tea exhibition in the USA was held. “Typhoon Roaster” took part in the exhibition and  presented its revolutionary technology. The company’s fluidized bed roasting machine was demonstrated making an impression on all visitors and exhibitors of this event. This lead to the creation of the roaster of new generation. As a result of such a success the CEO of CoffeeTec Roastery Development offered to become the official representative of “Typhoon Roaster” in the USA.

In 2015 the company initiated the organization of the first coffee roasting seminar “Roasting Technologies”.  It was attended by more than 30 representatives of coffee companies from all over the world. During this event a new long-awaited Typhoon 6 kg roasting machine was introduced to the public. All the participants of the seminar admitted the innovative technology in creation of coffee roasting equipment. All of them stated that the latest generation coffee roaster could achieve the delicate taste of the roasted coffee beans.

In 2017 the first major international high-tech exhibition in the Middle East, in Dubai, was held. This lead to establishing close business relationship with Eastern partners.

In 2018 during the Coffee Expo 2018 exhibition a new model of a mini-machine for roasting small portions of coffee named Shoproaster Typhoon 2kg was presented. The main features of this model are its mobility and a wide range of functions.

In 2020 the first coffee showroom of the company was opened in Europe. It was done for the convenience of European customers. The company opened its coffee shop-showroom in Prague. Here the customers can not only watch the process of roasting coffee beans on Typhoon roasters, but also buy coffee that was roasted using the innovative Typhoon roaster technology.

This year an agreement with the partner “ESPRESSO ACADEMY THAILAND” was signed. As a result the first order of roasters was sent. Also the training center for coffee roasting on Typhoon roasters was opened in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand.

In 2021 the production of the first roasting machine with hybrid bean roasting technology was launched. As a result of a hard work of a team of professionals, the first HYBRID roaster came out on market. This model of coffee roaster allows to control different types of heat transfer directly in the process of roasting coffee beans.

Today more than 150 Typhoon roasters of various modifications have already been sold out all over the world. The company has representatives in more than 17 countries, including the USA, Germany, Latvia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and others.уникальные шаблоны и модули для dle
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