«МЕНЯ РАЗВРАЩАЛ КАТОЛИЧЕСКИЙ СВЯЩЕННИК» Из анкеты мужчины  с сайта знакомств
15.04.2017 488 0 0 kibernetika

«МЕНЯ РАЗВРАЩАЛ КАТОЛИЧЕСКИЙ СВЯЩЕННИК» Из анкеты мужчины с сайта знакомств

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Как выглядит объявление о знакомстве (!) мужчины одинокого, обозлённого на весь мир и глубоко несчастного? Прожившего непростую жизнь эммигранта (его мать еврейка из Советского Союза). Если вы владеете английским языком, просмотрите текст ради любопытства. Очень интересный персонаж. Пунктуация автора сохранена.

I'm not looking for a woman that I can abuse. I’ve been single for a while, I’ve had my share of problems in my life.....and I'm willing to take responsibility for my problems as my own fault.....at least those from my youth....I learned *plenty* from those mistakes....but feminists want me to take responsibility for something I had nothing to do with.

....every time I try to explain my position on this subject and try to explain my back ground I am labeled a hypocrite.....this confirms to me that American women and women who come to America are *not* particularly sophisticated nor exceptionally intelligent....and in fact the same thing can be said for the general population....one of key ways this nation sustains itself is through this facade of being 'cutting edge'....when its just brain washing the 'new generation' in to abject stupidity......

.....I was born in the CCCP......the first empire in the history of the world to a) go in to space b) have the first woman in space....I was brought here by my single mom when I was 1 yo old....and I was raised by her.....so when a woman accuses me of being 'anti-woman' because I am disgusted by feminists and their despicable hypocrisy I laugh.....

.....when I talk about how despicable and rotten the elites in the US are who allow immigrants in to America.....regardless of their education level.....while at the same time burying Americans in education loans to better their life......and accused of being 'anti-immigration'....my stomach turns.....

.....America is a nasty little empire nation and the only way it continues to survive is because of the so-called wanna be elites who come to New York to 'build a better life for themselves'.....and when I'm called a 'commie/leftist/nazi bastard' because i want this fucking gov to pay more attention to the people already here rather than bringing in 'shiny new immigrants '......I am disgusted by the complete lack of social comprehension.....

...I used to be *fiercely* optimistic believing that life can be exponentially exciting with two people that love each other...but reality is quite different.....and if your patients does not allow for open honest conversation then good luck to you....

....I am an American by the fact that I grew up here, have an American citizenship.....have been through the NYC school system and got out of it alive.....considering that when we came here there were very very few Russian-Jewish immigrants from the CCCP I was constantly treated to the 'American freedom of democracy' by having been picked on and singled out for being one of those 'commies'.....which no one in my family ever was.....but because of the 'kindness' of the American population I was accused of being a 'bolshevik'...no none actually called me a bolshevik...they simply kept telling me to 'go back to my country'........

......I grew up tried my best to be an American.....I worked towards understanding this country better....I read Ralph Waldo Emerson.....wanted to take part in American democracy......read about its history.......I'm also a 9/11 survivor...of sorts....I used to work in downtown Manhattan.....and was on the Brooklyn Bridge that morning........

....in fact I'm a survivor of many things....I'm a survivor of child abuse....I was abused by my family members......physically.....I was molested by a katholic priest....and I only found out years later he was a katholic priest from the church around the corner from where I lived.....I was abused by my moms husband who was an italian katholic.....he tried to have me killed....which again I found out years later.....something my mom told me only years later.....as I mentioned before I was singled out by kids in school for being Jewish and Russian and Russian Jewish....this happened to me even in Yeshivas.....I was always reluctant to talk about this because whenever I do people tend to try to make a connection with certain aspects of my life....which they have no right to do....I have figured out far more about my life than any one can....I have tried to seek help and they told me to go on medication....which threatened to only make things worse for me....

....when I went to college the when the black kids found out I was Jewish they made fun of my ancestry who had lived through the holocaust....some of them fought and slaughtered nazis during ww2....and whenever I got in to it with the black kids trying to defend my ancestry which had nothing at all to do with them or their race I was labeled a 'hateful white racist'......

....so spare me the 'you probably do so and so because of such and such'....unless youre a specialist you will not understand....and if you are a specialist then you are very aware that I'm right...

....but no matter how hard I tried...which way I bent....or which way I didnt bend......no one ever gave me the benefit of the doubt....which demonstrated to me how hateful people really are.....and I dont attribute my assessment only on my personal experiences......I gather a lot from what I read in your profiles....

.....If I so much as 'stepped out of line'....I was looked at cross eyed.....my 'own people'....those other 'soviet refusniks' that came to America after we did.....did not accept me...because they saw me as a 'stupid American' I know this because I know their personality from the inside.....if I even tried to explain my position to anyone of 'my own kind'.....their typical nasty response was that 'its all your fault'.......I later realized it was because they were bitter at me because my family left the Soviet Union before they did.....and secretly they blame us for the collapse of their communist system....of which my family never had anything to do with anyway.......

.....if I seem out of touch and out of tune its because I've learned to tune out the bullshit...and there is *alot* of bullshit in this system.....

....if you think I 'hate women' please go kill yourself and stop wasting oxygen.....

.....I am Jewish and if your impression of Judaism is 'all about repressing women'....or 'super progressive religion'.....or 'hating on (insert your agenda here)'.....or 'flat earth sun revolved around the flat earth' please stop wasting oxygen and kill yourself....

....dont label me a liberal or conservative....I am part of your system only to the extent that i have to pay taxes.....i dont give a fuck about your fucking 'democracy'......i'm not a tea partier...i'm not a militant liberal.....i am disgusted by your fucking extremisms.....and if more people committed suicide the world would be a better place.....i hope elon musk and the other rotten billionaire elites....their filthy fucking entourage(s)....and the minions and lemmings that follow them would lead the way.....

.....a lesser person would have turned to drugs, gotten tattoos....or joined a cult after having survived what I have been through and continue to.....

What I’m doing with my life:

On here.....trying to figure out which one is not a nasty dirty slut...or lying about her age....or both.

I would explain what the definition of a nasty dirty slut is, but that would only help the sluts lie better.

.....I will say one thing about feminists....you are incompetent when it comes to relationships.....the feminists who secretly want a normal relationship hide behind feminism to explain away their in ability and in fact abject refusal to take responsibility for their own emotions....and save the nonsense about how 'women are emotional creatures' but.....or 'raging hormones'......men who feel like they need to be 'alpha males' are nothing more than having their man-period...its all emotion....there are very few 'alpha males' living in the NYC area.....never mind that 'alpha males' are a myth invented by feminists who were unwilling to take responsibility for themselves in the first place......

....you heard that from me first....send money....

....trying to find my birth certificate so I can move the fuck out of this country....forever....

You should message me if :

....I dont care where you've been....I dont care how you got there....I dont care how you came back.....

....but I am interested in who you are today....

.....frustration fucking.......love sex.....morning humping......post shower sex......new shoes sex....getting your nails done sex....getting your hair done sex....post clothes shopping sex....

...I've had it all....lost it....got it back.....I dont have...nor have I ever had a possessive personality.......I have always believed in honesty......

....but America mostly is a nation with far too many nasty people with obsessive compulsive disorders....so many people with an addiction either from prescription drugs....street drugs...alcohol.......obsessing about one thing rather actually being comfortable with themselves....

......or people that are just plain stupid and have been able to get by on sheer luck.....

...and when I read about the abject hypocrisy in our 'fine media'....the way it portrays nations like China...who...according to the media I am supposed to be afraid of...which just happens to be the US's 'largest trading parter'.....you will have to excuse me if I dont buy in to 'American democracy for everyone' bullshit....i wont tow any fucking party line....any political opinion or some fucking shill.....and if I dont have an opinion on something right away it is because *I prefer to educate myself on a subject matter before I speak*....that is what *normal intelligent people do*.....versus the reactionary bullshit that this society is so dependent upon to sustain its economy.....

....with all this said you probably imagine a monster in me.....but it is no less than any other person.....I don't cultivate any hatred.....I just see it every day around me in this 'wonderful city' that I grew up in....I get along famously with more people than you can imagine.....

....before you write thinking you're goingto set me straight about 'how bad things are in Russia today'....know this...I heard *all* the tragic stories from the 'old country'....my ancestry suffered just as bad....and chances are that you're such a selfish shit......anything I say about how bad I had it growing up here you will simply turn around and say to yourself 'how grateful' you are knowing you 'aren't as miserable as this guy' which makes you a piece of shit and a typical shit American at that.......it's impossible for the average American to have a quality that would be redeeming.....and especially impossible for any immigrant to even understand....because it is highly unlikely that *you* ...an immigrant from Russia had it as bad as I had it here growing up....I know this for a fact because I know enough of you....and have met enough of you over the course of my life....

......in fact if anything I *know* you Russians and eastern europeans are just as miserable because if you really 'loved America' you wouldnt be so busy trying to find 'your own kind' to date with....because I know no American wants to date most of you.... :) however.....many Americans want to date me.... :) ....its just too bad I cant stand many American women....just too stupid for words so many of them....and then there are the Russians who try too hard to be 'American'.....oh god....what a train wreck that is....уникальные шаблоны и модули для dle
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