Netanyahu's fate in hands of the Arab deputies of the Israeli parliament?
Netanyahu's fate in hands of the Arab deputies of the Israeli parliament?
Expert assessment of Academy of Geopolitics.
Photo №1 - Arayik Sargsyan, academician, President of Academy of Geopolitics, ex-Honorary Consul of Macedonia.
Netanyahu can quite end up in jail, and it will be the only exit from a vicious elective circle of Israel into which the country was driven because of plans of big war against Iran.
On March 17 the first judicial hearings on three charges of different types of corruption brought to Netanyahu have to begin. He wanted to leave from it through a victory on elections and adoptions of law on own immunity. However now it will hardly turn out also to it, perhaps, it is necessary to reconcile to a role of the "whipping boy" banished to the Judaic desert in clarification of "people sins". From the necessary 61 deputy mandate (all in the Knesset of 120 places) for formation of the government Likud can count only on 58 places of "the right-religious coalition" (recalculation of remote voices continues), which, besides it, parties of Sephardic Jews — ShAS are ready to enter, Ashkenazi – YACHTS and far-right Yamina. Accession of party, congenial to Likud, of "the Russian Aliya" OHI (Our House of Israel) of A. Liberman with her 7 mandates would give an advantageous combination, but his union with religious parties is almost excluded. At the heart of NDI ideology – fight against the privileges of a religious part of the Israeli population. Liberman who lost a certain number of votes in favor of Netanyahu, as before calls for formation of grand coalition as a part of Likud of Beni which came the second centrist "Kakhol Lavan" (32 mandates) of the Ghanaian and his NDI. However not only Gants, but also other leaders of "Kakhol Lavan", in particular Ya. Lapid and M. Yaalon, already categorically rejected a possibility of recognition of Netanyahu by them future prime minister. At the same time at "Kakhol Lavan" to create left-centrist ruling coalition too it will not turn out. There will not be enough mandates.
Liberman, for example, is not going to enter into such coalition. Especially as because of support by her leaders of Tramp’s of "the transaction of a century" with this party the true victor of elections the "Integrated Arab list" which came on elections by the third and received 15 mandates does not want to have any affairs. the Arabs having the Israeli citizenship (outside the Palestinian territories), considerably increased the selective activity. As a result for the first time for all modern history of the country they make real impact on processes of formation of the government. Any conspiracy and handling schemes were put to use. In open it is told about enticement, blackmail and bribery of deputies from other parties. Most likely, in this case, the main figure can be called the wife of Bibi, Mrs. Sarah: see Photo No. 2-
The real leader of Israel - Sarah Netanyahu.
So, it is estimated that Likud thus should drag three people. If Bibi manages "to buy" for these 7 days still the lacking of three deputies, then he not only will save the life, but also will begin war with Iran at the end of summer about what we wrote in the of analytical article: "Israel and the USA plan war against Iran", ( See please -http://russmir.info/pol/8437-izrail-i-ssha-planiruyut-voennuyu-agressiyu-protiv-irana.html
and see -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtcBkhO2FcY).
And the main thing can here it is war but not a clownery in the Knesset of Israel? Can happen so that for the Israeli elite there will be no other choice left for a country conclusion from a prolonged political crisis except how to get rid of Netanyahu. And here will not help friendship with Washington (in the person of Trump) and Moscow (needing treatment at the Israeli doctors – V. Putin), the notorious "transaction of a century". If it does not turn out, the president of Israel will be forced to announce the beginning of a new, fourth early election campaign in Israel?
Arayik Sargsyan, academician, President of Academy of Geopolitics, ex-Honorary Consul of Macedonia.
Expert assessment of Academy of Geopolitics.
Photo №1 - Arayik Sargsyan, academician, President of Academy of Geopolitics, ex-Honorary Consul of Macedonia.
Netanyahu can quite end up in jail, and it will be the only exit from a vicious elective circle of Israel into which the country was driven because of plans of big war against Iran.
On March 17 the first judicial hearings on three charges of different types of corruption brought to Netanyahu have to begin. He wanted to leave from it through a victory on elections and adoptions of law on own immunity. However now it will hardly turn out also to it, perhaps, it is necessary to reconcile to a role of the "whipping boy" banished to the Judaic desert in clarification of "people sins". From the necessary 61 deputy mandate (all in the Knesset of 120 places) for formation of the government Likud can count only on 58 places of "the right-religious coalition" (recalculation of remote voices continues), which, besides it, parties of Sephardic Jews — ShAS are ready to enter, Ashkenazi – YACHTS and far-right Yamina. Accession of party, congenial to Likud, of "the Russian Aliya" OHI (Our House of Israel) of A. Liberman with her 7 mandates would give an advantageous combination, but his union with religious parties is almost excluded. At the heart of NDI ideology – fight against the privileges of a religious part of the Israeli population. Liberman who lost a certain number of votes in favor of Netanyahu, as before calls for formation of grand coalition as a part of Likud of Beni which came the second centrist "Kakhol Lavan" (32 mandates) of the Ghanaian and his NDI. However not only Gants, but also other leaders of "Kakhol Lavan", in particular Ya. Lapid and M. Yaalon, already categorically rejected a possibility of recognition of Netanyahu by them future prime minister. At the same time at "Kakhol Lavan" to create left-centrist ruling coalition too it will not turn out. There will not be enough mandates.
Liberman, for example, is not going to enter into such coalition. Especially as because of support by her leaders of Tramp’s of "the transaction of a century" with this party the true victor of elections the "Integrated Arab list" which came on elections by the third and received 15 mandates does not want to have any affairs. the Arabs having the Israeli citizenship (outside the Palestinian territories), considerably increased the selective activity. As a result for the first time for all modern history of the country they make real impact on processes of formation of the government. Any conspiracy and handling schemes were put to use. In open it is told about enticement, blackmail and bribery of deputies from other parties. Most likely, in this case, the main figure can be called the wife of Bibi, Mrs. Sarah: see Photo No. 2-
The real leader of Israel - Sarah Netanyahu.
So, it is estimated that Likud thus should drag three people. If Bibi manages "to buy" for these 7 days still the lacking of three deputies, then he not only will save the life, but also will begin war with Iran at the end of summer about what we wrote in the of analytical article: "Israel and the USA plan war against Iran", ( See please -http://russmir.info/pol/8437-izrail-i-ssha-planiruyut-voennuyu-agressiyu-protiv-irana.html
and see -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtcBkhO2FcY).
And the main thing can here it is war but not a clownery in the Knesset of Israel? Can happen so that for the Israeli elite there will be no other choice left for a country conclusion from a prolonged political crisis except how to get rid of Netanyahu. And here will not help friendship with Washington (in the person of Trump) and Moscow (needing treatment at the Israeli doctors – V. Putin), the notorious "transaction of a century". If it does not turn out, the president of Israel will be forced to announce the beginning of a new, fourth early election campaign in Israel?
Arayik Sargsyan, academician, President of Academy of Geopolitics, ex-Honorary Consul of Macedonia.
Источник: bazaistoria.ru
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