Role of Iran in fight against terror. War with Iran will lead to elimination of Israel!
30.01.2020 4 488 0 +84 Starweaver

Role of Iran in fight against terror. War with Iran will lead to elimination of Israel!

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Role of Iran in fight against terror.

War with Iran will lead to elimination of Israel!

. Only Iran is not afraid to resist to world predominant force – the USA" -

The American actress Rose Makgouen publicly apologized for actions of the USA and said that the USA is taken by the terrorist mode and asks not to kill in revenge for actions of the American regime of ordinary American citizens.

"We want peace with your people. We are in hostages at the terrorist mode. We do not know how to escape. Please, do not kill us" — she wrote to Twitter of -@rosemcgowan. All normal citizens of the USA should know this saying: "Late to drink Borzhy when everything already fell off... (See

  If for some reason the Iraqi parliament does not execute the debt to Iraq, fighters of Resistance anyway will not allow any American soldier to remain in Iraq and in all Middle East, sooner or later. Time went...

Arayik Sargsyan, academician, President of Academy of Geopolitics, ex-Honorary Consul of Macedonia.
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